Quality translations, all languages and all sectors

Quality is at the core of the DNA of LPI Traductions:

  • Linguistic quality: all of our translators translate exclusively into their mother tongue.
  • Technical quality: our translators are reliable and are selected for each project on the basis of their experience in the field and of the terminology of your trade.
  • Terminological consistency: by systematically using glossaries and translation memories, we deliver perfect consistency between the various translations done for the same client.
written translation of a text by a reliable translator

The services we propose



 For all of your documents, texts, websites, contracts, communications material, etc., to and from all languages. We can deliver sworn translations for your official documents.




 Here, the translator goes a step further by adapting the original text to the culture of the country of the target language, while being mindful of cultural nuances.


 Proof-reading and revision


Checking your texts that have already been translated




 of your audio and video material in all languages


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+33 5 35 54 97 99


64 rue Raymond Lavigne 

33100 Bordeaux